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  • Writer's pictureIrene Evangelou

What is the connection between Overeating and Anxiety?

PEACE with Anxiety Podcast Episode 26

Do you find yourself reaching for snacks when stress hits? You’re not alone! In this episode, we’ll explore why our bodies crave comfort foods in moments of anxiety and how this response can lead to a cycle of guilt and shame.


In this episode you'll discover:

  • The connection between anxiety and overeating

  • Common anxiety triggers that lead to overeating

  • 4 ways to manage overeating behaviour


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Anxiety and Overeating

If you've ever found yourself reaching for snacks or sweets when you're feeling anxious, just know that you're not alone. Usually, you get those cravings late at night, and you’re feeling a knot in your stomach so, you find yourself opening the fridge and rummaging through the pantry, looking for something – anything – that might make you feel a little better. You reach for those cookies, that bag of chips, or maybe some ice cream. And for a brief moment, as you take that first bite, you feel a sense of relief. It's like a small comfort blanket wrapping around you, shielding you from the anxiety and the stress storm. But then, after a while, you might start to feel guilty or angry with yourself or even more anxious than before.

Overeating and Anxiety: What’s The Connection [Ep 26]

So, this blog post is all about understanding that connection with compassion and empathy. Because what you're experiencing is a common response to anxiety, and it's something so many people go through. It's not about willpower or self-control; it's about recognizing the ways our bodies and minds seek comfort in times of stress.

So when we're anxious, our bodies and minds are in a heightened state of stress, looking for ways to soothe the discomfort. And food, especially comfort foods high in sugar and fat, can provide a temporary sense of relief. But why do we turn to food when we're anxious? How can we approach this behaviour with kindness and curiosity, rather than self-criticism?

Reasons why anxiety can lead to overeating

  1. First of all, when you're feeling anxious, your body releases cortisol, which is a hormone that can increase your appetite, especially for comfort foods like sweets and carbs. These foods might provide temporary relief, but it's important to understand that this is a natural response. Your brain is wired in a way that is going to do everything it can to move you away from pain and towards pleasure. So your body is trying to help you feel better, even if the method isn't always the healthiest.

  2. A second reason is that food often serves as an emotional buffer. When you're overwhelmed with anxiety, eating can feel like a way to soothe yourself and create a moment of peace. This is especially true if you don't have other coping strategies in place. so, seeking comfort in food is a common reaction and doesn't mean that you're weak or lacking self-control.

  3. Another reason is that many of us have learned to associate food with comfort from a young age. So, whether it's being given treats to cheer us up or using snacks as a reward, these patterns can stick with us into adulthood. So recognizing the why, of these patterns is the first big step towards changing them.

Common triggers lead to overeating and anxiety

What are the common triggers that might lead to overeating when you're feeling anxious? This is not a comprehensive list, however, it’s just a few of the triggers that many of my clients have identified while we were working together.

  • High-pressure environments, tight deadlines, or significant major changes in your life can all trigger anxiety. And during these times, turning to food can feel like a way to regain some control and comfort.

  • Feelings of loneliness, sadness, or frustration. When emotions are high, your defences are lower, so it makes it harder to resist cravings.

  • Social events or family events can be very stressful for many of us. The pressure to fit in or the fear of being judged can lead to overeating as a way to cope with the anxiety of the situation.

  • When you're anxious, it's easy to fall into a cycle of negative self-talk, that often leads to feelings of inadequacy or low self-worth. Overeating can then become a way to numb these painful feelings.

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4 Ways to Cope with Overeating and Anxiety

Understanding the connection between overeating and anxiety is crucial, but let's also talk very briefly about what you can do to manage both with compassion and empathy.

  1. The first thing you can do is to practice being present while you eat. So, pay attention to the taste of the food, texture, and smell. This can help you enjoy your meals more fully and recognize the signs that you're satisfied.

  2. Another way is to find alternative ways to cope with the anxiety. So this might include exercise, journaling, or engaging in a hobby. These activities can provide a healthy outlet for your stress.

  3. Another way is to create a routine that includes regular meals and snacks. So avoid skipping meals, and follow a balanced diet.

  4. Finally, a very important thing you can do is to reach out for help. Talking to a therapist or a counsellor can provide you with strategies to manage anxiety and develop healthier eating habits that are relevant to you.

There is no one size fits all and remember, it's okay to seek comfort in food occasionally. And if you find yourself consistently turning to food to cope with anxiety, it's really important to approach this behaviour with kindness, understanding and curiosity. By recognizing the connection between overeating and anxiety, you can take steps towards healthier coping strategies and a more balanced life.

Overeating and Anxiety - Peace with Anxiety Podcast

Now I know how tough it can be to struggle with overeating and anxiety, and If you're looking for more support or personalized guidance, then the Peace with Anxiety program is exactly for you. Together, we work for 4 months towards understanding, changing, and finding balance and peace in your life. So if you want more information, click the link below to find out more. You deserve to feel calm, confident, and in control of your life.


Are you finally ready to overcome anxiety, and feel calm, and confident? Browse my brand new program and let’s get to work! Check it out here.

Peace with Anxiety RTT Program


If you want to learn my exact method to overcome anxiety, click the link below ⬇️

FREE Workshop!!!

Peace with Anxiety Workshop - Overcome Anxiety Naturally

Do you want to:

  • Feel in control of your thoughts and feelings,

  • Learn why you feel the way you do,

  • Change your anxious thoughts naturally,

  • Learn to say no without feeling guilty,

  • Calm your racing mind that doesn’t let you go to sleep,

  • Feel calm, confident and present?

In this workshop, you will learn:

  1. The mindset of the high-achiever

  2. How I used the peace with anxiety method to manage my own mental health struggles and what you can do as well

  3. The ultimate method to effectively ease anxiety and transform into a calm, confident, and in control woman.


Important Links

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Have more questions about High-Functioning Anxiety in motherhood?

  • If you are looking to book just an individual one-on-one Rapid Transformational Therapy Session (RTT), then click the link below

  • If you are looking to book just an individual one-on-one Online Anxiety Counselling in Australia then click the link here Book your Session

About the Author - Irene Evangelou

All content here is for informational purposes only. This content does not replace the professional judgment of your own mental health provider. Please consult a licensed mental health professional for all individual questions and issues.

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