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  • Writer's pictureIrene Evangelou

Online Anxiety Counselling in Melbourne

Let me ask a few questions...

  • Have you been feeling more anxious lately and feel like your thoughts and feelings are getting out of control at times?

  • Do you find yourself constantly worrying or overanalyzing over many different situations?

  • Is your anxiety impacting your work life, family life, and/or relationships?

  • Do you wish you would feel more calm and have more control over your mind?

  • Do you need support with a major life change or unexpected transition?

If you’ve answered yes to one or more of these questions or you’re feeling like you need more support and guidance in your life, you’re in the right place!​

Online Anxiety Counselling in Melbourne- Irene Evangelou Therapy

I know how anxious you may feel about reaching out for online anxiety counselling. At Irene Evangelou Therapy, we’re committed to making online counselling for anxiety as easy and comforting as possible.

So, here's what to expect:

  • Understanding Your Anxiety: In our sessions, we will work together to uncover the origins of your anxiety, identify your primary triggers and understand how your thoughts, feelings and behaviours contribute to your anxiety. The reason why this is the first step is because I believe that discovering the roots of your anxiety, stress, fears and worries is a key step in effective online anxiety therapy.

  • Personalised Strategies: Everyone’s experience with anxiety is different and unique. We will explore your main goals in therapy and start shifting the way you think and act when feeling anxious and introduce healthier ways of coping that will help you achieve more confidence, calmness, and control in your life. So, we will focus on giving you personalised tools and techniques, ensuring the counselling for anxiety you receive is tailored just for your needs.

  • Safe and Supportive: Our online anxiety counselling is a judgement-free zone. It’s a place where you can openly express and explore your feelings, knowing you’re in a supportive and understanding environment.

Online Anxiety Counselling At Irene Evangelou Therapy

Online counselling for anxiety in Melbourne has never been more accessible.

  • Convenience and Comfort: Embrace the relief of accessing online anxiety therapy from your own home, with no need to travel.

  • Flexibility: We get that life can get hectic, which is why scheduling sessions for your online counselling for anxiety is all about what works for you. Plan your therapy sessions around your daily routine and commitments.

  • Privacy Matters: With online counselling for anxiety, your privacy is our priority. Rest assured, every session is confidential, so you can speak your mind without any worries.

Online Counseling Support for Anxiety - Irene Evangelou Therapy

Advantages of working with me:


  1. I will draw on all of my experience and knowledge across the fields of counselling (incorporating an understanding of a vast amount of therapy modalities), Clinical Hypnotherapy, EFIT and DBT in order to ensure that you are getting the most thorough, uniquely tailored approach to your personal situation, for the best possible outcome.

  2. I work online via Zoom, so there are no clinic visits, no parking or travel and my clients can experience the help that they need from the comfort of their own home.

  3. I work within the counselling framework of a client-centred, strengths-based approach, and I always provide follow-up and continued after-session support to all of my clients, and these phone and email points of contact provide great moments of clarity and progression in the change process.

  4. I can offer appointment times on weekends and outside of office hours to accommodate all client's schedules due to the delivery of my sessions online via Zoom

There isn't a one-size-fits-all experience with anxiety. Anxiety exists on a spectrum, and it is more common than you think. Everyday events such as work/school presentations, social events e.g. weddings or family dinners, financial situations, or even family relations can create anxiety.

What are the Biological Responses to Anxiety

  • racing or pounding heartbeat,

  • sweating,

  • changes in your body temperature, so you might feel cold, dizzy,

  • feeling a sense of doom or terror,

  • chest pain and tightness,

  • throat tightness,

  • tingling/numbness in your arms and legs,

  • muscle spasms,

  • changes in breathing,

  • palpitation,

  • blurred vision,

  • distorted hearing and weakness.

An external situation or event or a person can trigger anxiety responses such as the above. However, internally, thoughts or feelings such as self-doubt, perfectionism, or even unresolved past traumatic experiences can trigger anxiety.

1. Personality:

  • Persistent and intrusive thoughts,

  • Caught in a cycle of overthinking,

  • Anticipating potential negative outcomes,

  • Tendency to magnify potential threats,

  • Everyday challenges can be perceived as impossible obstacles,

  • Feel on edge,

  • Physical restlessness and emotional irritability.

  • Inability to relax and be present in the moment.

  • Heightened awareness of the surroundings,

  • Coping mechanisms such as avoiding certain places, people, or activities that trigger anxiety

2. Relationships:

  • Heightened fear of rejection or abandonment in relationships,

  • Insecurity and doubt,

  • Tendency to catastrophize, imagining the worst-case scenarios in relationships and interactions,

  • Social interactions feel challenging.

  • Constant vigilance in relationships, such as being hyper-aware of potential threats to the relationship's stability.

  • Avoidance of social situations or conflict to prevent potential discomfort or rejection.

  • Overanalyzing conversations and interactions with others,

  • Seeking reassurance and validation that their fears are unfounded.

3. Work:

  • Doubt of their accomplishments,

  • Fear of being exposed as a fraud,

  • Fear of criticism or judgment from colleagues or superiors,

  • Stress and tension in the workplace,

  • Feeling restless and unable to fully relax,

  • Overthinking work-related tasks,

  • Fear of failure,

  • Procrastination is common as they may struggle to initiate tasks due to fear of failure or perfectionistic tendencies.

What happens when anxiety gets triggered?

It's all about the brain and body preparing for a fight-or-flight response. When triggered, your brain releases epinephrine and cortisol into your bloodstream. When these chemicals are released into the body, they constrict the blood vessels, preparing your body for heightened awareness. Your airways open up, allowing for increased oxygen intake, muscles tense in preparation for action, pupils dilate to enhance vision, and your heart rate undergoes a dynamic shift.

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Do you have more Questions about Online Counselling for Anxiety in Melbourne or at Irene Evangelou Therapy?

  • Read this blog post that answers the most common question about counselling

  • If you are an Australian resident, I provide online counselling for Anxiety, Stress, Perfectionism, People-pleasing, Self-esteem, and Self-image. Explore your thoughts, understand your feelings, and talk about your struggles in a safe, non-judgmental space, and receive support and guidance to navigate life’s challenges so that you can live your most fulfilling life with peace and confidence. Book your first session by clicking the link below.

All content here is for informational purposes only. This content does not replace the professional judgment of your own mental health provider. Please consult a licensed mental health professional for all individual questions and issues.

About the Author - Irene Evangelou


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